This Week | May 24 – 30, 2024

May 26 | Romans – Grasping The Gospel, Romans 6:15-22, Part 18: Say Yes to God – Pastor Mark Pospisil

Synopsis: I think Bob Dylan said it best, “gotta serve somebody.” This is especially true in our spiritual lives. We can either serve God or sin. There is no middle ground. We are either slaves to righteousness or to sin. One way leads to life. The other way leads to death. The Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness. He has set us free from sin and transferred us to be His people. Through Jesus, God has given us the ability to have victory in our lives and win the battle against sin. We will continue to walk through Romans 6 and see how to experience the new life that Jesus gives to us.

Fighter Verse: Romans 6:19 – “For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.”

Worship Set List

Click on the songs below to listen to this Sundays worship set.

Child of Love

We Believe

Way Maker

All My Hope

See A Victory

**Want to listen to more of our favorite worship songs at The Lakes?! Check out our Spotify playlist!

Click picture for weekly virtual Sermon Notes

Click picture for weekly virtual Small Group Questions

Quick Links

Click picture to fill out our Prayer Request Form or text us any time!

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What’s Happening?

Join our Lakes Women on the first Saturday of each month at 9:30am on the 2nd floor, as we come together for a powerful time in praise, prayer and intercession as we seek God’s heart. Come and be a part of what God is doing through prayer!

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me and I will hear you.” Jeremiah 29:12

Baptism is the natural next step once we are saved! It represents the new life that Jesus’ resurrection gives us and is a public sign of our faith in Christ. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, we invite you to take this opportunity to demonstrate your faith in Christ.

We will have an opportunity to get baptized during both services on this Sunday. Please fill out this form to let me know you are interested in getting baptized!


New around here? Join us for lunch in the large group room (219) upstairs after the third service at 12:45pm and get to know The Lakes; our mission, leadership, core values, ministries, and where you fit in! Discovering the Lakes is once every other month, so please take note of the date here!

Please register here so we can plan lunch accordingly!


This is our annual church family outing to Somerset Beach Campground! Bring your camper or tent and camping gear for this fun weekend at the lake. Play on the beach, hike, swim, play volleyball or softball, sit around the bonfire, or just relax with friends. The cost for the campsite is $77 per campsite for 2 nights. For questions, please email Dave Spears at

Register Here


Be sure to always check our e-bulletin (updated weekly on Fridays) and calendar to stay tuned on everything coming up at The Lakes! 

A few more upcoming events to be aware of. More details to come, but for now, save these dates!:

6/1: Women’s Monthly Prayer Meeting | 9:30am
6/7: Grace Marriage | 7pm
6/8: Cars & Coffee | 8:30am
6/9: Baptism
6/9: Lakes Children Move Up Sunday
6/24-28: Rush Camp

Core Ministries – Weekly Update

Ninevah was a bad, bad place….I mean it’s no wonder Jonah was hesitant to go there and preach a message of repentance. When we think prophets, we think of upstanding men and women who unwaveringly conveyed the word of God to the people. But, through Jonah, we get a glimpse of a reluctant prophet and the power behind his experience!

EARLY CHILDHOOD – Early Childhood (Birth – Kindergarten) program available during the 9:30 and 11:15 Sunday services.

ELEMENTARY AGE (1st-5th grade) – Elementary age program available Sundays during the 9:30 and 11:15 services and Wednesday Kids Creek from 6:30-8pm during the school year! 


All Out Summer | Dates coming soon!

K-5th Move Up Sunday | June 9

WEDNESDAY YOUTH GROUP – Middle School and High School students meet on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30pm for a combined youth group service in Lakes West (7150 Cooley Lake Rd, shared upper parking lot).


Rush Camp | June 24-28

Monthly Prayer | Lakes Women meet for prayer the first Saturday of each month from 9:30am to 10:30am!

Quarterly “Chat-a-latte” gathering | Coffee/Tea & fellowship in the lower level Atrium

Seasonal Bible Studies | TBD


Women’s Monthly Prayer Meeting | June 1 9:30am

Women’s Retreat | Save the date for September 27-29