A fantastic way to find community is by joining a team and serve. You will find that when you volunteer, you grow in your relationship with God and others. Volunteering will give you the opportunity to build friendships with other great people in our church community and we have a spot for everyone at the Lakes. Try it and see how it will impact your life! Fill out our volunteer form by clicking the button below if you are interested in serving. Once we receive your information, someone will contact you to discuss the specific responsibilities for the ministries you indicate interest in.
In Matthew 22:39, Jesus says, “The second greatest commandment is this, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
So what better way to show God’s love than by serving those around us? The Lakes Church wants to be a blessing to our surrounding community. Below are some of the ministries we partner with that have great opportunities to support financially, step in and volunteer or maybe do a service project with your small group or family.